Pedro Gonçalves
Pedro Gonçalves (Lisboa, 1982) architect by Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa. Studied, through the Erasmus Program, in Faculty of Architecture of Ljubljana. Lives and works in Lisbon, where he founded MUTA studio, after working with Pedro Domingos in several works of housing, retail and public works. Namely, in Escola de Sever do Vouga, FAD award 2013. Also worked with Paul Keogh Architects in Dublin was awarded a research grant by Fundação Juventude to study Vouga train line through City and Architectural Heritage from the 20th century: 1910-1974. Joined different workshops among which; EWSEMS: Eastern and Western Southern Market Squares, International Seminar in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istambul and New Territories, New Opportunities by the Association of Portuguese Architects in Costa da Caparica.