Local Artists’ Showcases


Solar da Música Nova

19 September 2020, 3:00pm

Local Artists’ Showcases |
03:00 PM - Stone Breaker
04:00 PM - Perigo Público
09:15 PM  - badweather
10:15 PM - MorTais 

Please register at info@arteinstitute.org


The shows are also going to be exhibited at Antena 3 and RHI Think facebook pages.

Download the RHI Think application, available at playstore and applestore, to value the artists' work by paying what you can as a ticket for these free shows. The shows are free but the work of the artists shouldn't be. Value it!

More benefits with the RHI Membership. Become a member!

Investors RHI Initiative | 
| Caixa Geral de Depósitos | Fundação Millennium bcp | Fundação EDP | Costeira | Hyundai | Pestana Hotel Group | Organização de Estados Ibero-Americanos | Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento | Ent'Artes | Antena 3 | Polarising | ParesAdvogados | _ARTERIA_LAB | Interreg | Magallanes_ICC | Universidade de Évora

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