Cristina Caiado Rocha

Founder of Daisy in A Box


Cristina Caiado Rocha is the Founder and Managing Director of Daisy In A Box, a non-profit social enterprise that trains low-income women to start their own business producing and selling affordable natural soaps in developing countries by recycling products and materials with impact on environment protection. She was named one of the 26 women entrepreneurs in Mozambique to watch in 2018, by Lionesses of Africa. Prior to joining Daisy in A Box, Cristina was a consultant for UNIDO, Quality Assurance Director in a research Lab, and auditor in innovation management, just to name a few. During her journey in Africa she realised that the secret to living is giving, that is to say, that by contributing to the well-being of others, our communities and the world at large, we find more meaning out of life.

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