Adilson Gomes
General Director of Arts and Creative Industries of Cape Verde
Cape Verde

Adilson Gomes has a degree in Theater, Production from the School of Theater and Cinema (ESTC in portuguese) of Amadora, Portugal and is currently taking a Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Culture Studies, with a specialization in Creative Industries and Entertainment at ISCTE - IUL (Higher Institute of Labor Sciences and the Company - University Institute of Lisbon).
With a considerable academic career, Adilson Gomes has already taught the subjects of Cultural Management, Cultural Production and Projects - "How to Develop Cultural Projects, at different levels" in M_eia (Mindelo_International School of Art), in courses at "Atelier-Mar". He also collaborated, during 5 years, with the D. Maria II National Theater. During this journey he demonstrated undeniable intellectual and human qualities.
In terms of arts and creative industries, Adilson Gomes has already been part of numerous portuguese and cape verdean productions by cape verdeans residing and in the Diaspora, being noteworthy; "Juventude em Marcha": "Canjana" (Villaret Theater – 2012), "Chuva Braba" (Villaret Theater – 2015), "Preto no Branco" (Armando Cortez Theater – "Casa de Artista" in Lisbon and Madrid - 2016), Batchart and Band: "Wikileaks" (Tour Lisbon), re-editing of the album by Alcides Nascimento, Bana's son, with Celina Pereira, Tito Paris, Dany Silva, Paló, Rui Veloso, Tó from the Dead Combo, Nancy Vieira, Dino de Santiago, Aline Frazão, Ana Firmino, and many others artist. In 2016, he worked in the production of the first internationalization of the "Kavala Fresk Feastival" in Lisbon. He is currently the General Director of Arts and Creative Industries of the Government of Cape Verde for the X Legislature.