Cristina Góis Amorim
AICEP Representative

Cristina Góis Amorim (Lisbon, 1967) studied and graduated in Modern Languages and Literatures, variant of Portuguese Studies, at the Faculty of Letters of the Classic University of Lisbon. In 1987 he joined the staff of the then ICEP - Institute of Foreign Trade of Portugal, currently aicep Portugal Global - Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade. He went through several areas, within the entities, namely in the fields of international promotion, in which he collaborated and organized multiple actions to promote the image of Portugal abroad.
Since the end of 2014, she has been following the sectors of the Cultural and Creative Industries Sector, having since that date organized and co-organized in representation of AICEP, several international promotion actions of the sectors that make up the Sector, such as the “Encontro de Editores em Lisboa ”, participation in International Book Fairs, international Design and Crafts exhibitions, international Music festivals, as well as the organization of seminars on financial mechanisms and instruments to support Cultural and Creative Industries, in addition to institutional support within the scope of actions developed by all these sectors. In the context of monitoring the Cultural and Creative Industries Sector, it also represents AICEP in the Contact Group for External Cultural Action, as well as in the Focal Points Network of the Portugal Film Commission.