Inês Silva

Councillor in the Municipality of Alcobaça


PHD in Linguistics, Masters in Linguistics, Degree in Modern Languages and Literature (Portuguese Studies variant), with an integrated internship.

Secondary school teacher (1992-2010). University professor (2010-2013). Researcher at the Centre of Linguistics of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa: production of cientific research works (dissertations), keynote speaker at several conferences and meetings, articles published in magazines and meeting records, jury member of Masters degree dissertations Organizer of national and international scientific and educational meetings.

Author of school textbooks and educational-didactic publications. Specialist instructor of courses and workshops. Coordenator of the cultural and educational project “Cadernos do ECB”. Author of literature works.

Currently working as a town councillor in charge of the Culture, Education, Social Work, Associativism, Youth and Tourism departments of the City Hall of Alcobaça.
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