
Tomara is Filipe C Monteiro’s music solo work.
Favourite Ghost (it’s debut album release in late 2017) was largely praised among critics and reached the “Best Album of the Year” on several speciali-sed media. The singles “Coffee and Toast” and “For no Reason” made the charts on several portuguese radios.
Favourite Ghost´s songs and Instrumentals reflect the perfect crossover between the American Folk legacy and a profound European identity, with re-ferences to a miriade of artists like Sufjan Stevens, Bon Iver, Nick Drake, Da-niel Lanois, Gustavo Santaolalla, Radiohead or Sigur Ros, in which all songs always suggest a strong visual landscape for the listener to travel on.
The musician, producer and film director has collaborated over the years with many portugueses artists (Sergio Godinho, Luisa Sobral, Da Weasel, Márcia, The Legendary Tigerman, David Fonseca, Rita Redshoes, Samuel Úria, An-tónio Zambujo, Carminho) as a studio and live musician, producing records, directing music videos or the video design for the artists live shows.