O Gajo

When Punk Rock music reinvents the Portuguese Viola Campaniça
João Morais started playing guitar when he was 15 years old and had several bands within the Punk Rock circuit.
On Spring 2016, João started a solo project called O GAJO (Trans: “The DUDE”) inspired by his World Music references.
João immersed himself in the roots of Portuguese music and discovered “Viola Campaniça”. He then combined this traditional instrument, an integral part of traditional Portuguese popular music with his Punk Rock experience. The result is unique and surprising! Although very urban and contemporary at the same time.
O GAJO first release was in 2017 and since then he has been playing in several different venues and festivals in Portugal with excellent feedback from both public and media. 2019 will bring 4 LP records one for each season: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. 2019 brings a plus: O GAJO debut in International Circuits in Eurosonic and Reeperbahnn Music Festivals.